Full flight from Dar es Salaam

Nonna, I was pathetically pleased to get a reply from you. Is there any hope of a reconciliation? Can you find it in your heart to put the past behind us? Do let me know, soonest….

My Dearest Nonna

Thank you dearest Sweet, for your very swift responses. I felt myself most fortunate to have two arriving almost together. However, did I detect a touch of schadenfreude in them? Surely not…

You also know full well, that after what happened in Dar es Salaam, I simply had no option other than to marry the poor girl. If Roger and I had failed to get her out pretty damn quick there is absolutely no telling what that bounder, your lover, Sheikh Abdul Bin Qasim would have done!! Another day in that filthy rat-infested hole and even Kim would not have recognised her.

The years have passed almost too quickly. I think we should consider drawing may lines in the sand over our past exploits and shake hands. Your letter, arriving as it did from Shanghai made me smile. That was certainly home of some of our finest parties ever.

Mock all you want, but they were indeed happy days until you…. well you know better than any of us what you did.

Anyway, I would love to join you but I cant afford The Cathay or anything like it. I’m having a short sabbatical in DC whilst I decide what to do with the Snake Charmer. Her and her father, and of course the ruddy python which wont leave her side, have become more than a milestone around my neck. In fact so much so, that I have asked Boris to see what he can ” suggest” if you can my drift…

Yours, in slightly reflective mood


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